Success Stories

Smelting Plant Saves $126K, Sees Mod Drop 30%

9 years, 7 months ago

INSURED This aluminum recycling/smelting plant employs 36.   SITUATION The employer was in the state Work Comp Fund and claims were skyrocketing.   ASSESSMENT Certified WorkComp Advisors (CWCA) began working with the employer just two months after its latest renewal....

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Consolidation of Multi-State Payrolls Saves Company $283,000 and Lowers Experience Mod

9 years, 7 months ago

INSURED This company grows and distributes plant materials and nursery stock nationwide and employs more than 1,800 at plants located in 10 states.   SITUATION The company’s experience modification factor climbed steadily and management did not understand why this was...

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Landscape contractor sprouts a $104,000 refund

9 years, 7 months ago

INSURED This major landscape contractor servicing commercial properties employs 120 people and does $19 million in annual revenues.   SITUATION A year after purchasing the company, the insured was concerned why, as a relatively new business, its Experience Mod was...

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Office furniture company sees Mod drop 22%

9 years, 7 months ago

INSURED This assembler of office furniture employs 86 and has revenues in excess of $32 million annually. SITUATION The employer saw its Experience Mod escalating steadily up to 1.22. ASSESSMENT The CWCAs found one reason for the increase in the...

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Experience Mod audit lowers Mod 17 points & returns $33,150 to grading contractor

9 years, 7 months ago

INSURED This grading contractor employs 42 people with annual revenues of approximately $3 million. SITUATION The company had been with the same broker for 21 years. The broker had never audited or verified the insured’s Experience Modification Factor and routinely...

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Glass Company discovers value of Independent Agent

9 years, 7 months ago

INSURED This company specializes in glass for commercial entrances and storefronts, construction glazing and retail glass sales. With 40 employees, the company has sales revenue in 2005 of approximately $2.5 million. Situation The CWCAs began insuring this client in 1995....

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HVAC company quantifies Mod, saves business

9 years, 7 months ago

INSURED The insured is an HVAC service company with approximately 23 employees and estimated sales of $4 million. SITUATION The company was in serious danger of losing one of its biggest accounts, a leading national paper manufacturer. The paper manufacturer...

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Implementation of comprehensive Workers’ Comp program saves auto dealer $2 million in first year

9 years, 7 months ago

INSURED This chain of full-service automobile dealerships employs more than 500 people divided into three work classes – dealer, auto sales people and clerical. The company does more than $250 million in business. SITUATION The frequency and severity of claims...

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Combining hotels saves owner $823,000 and lowers Experience Mod

9 years, 7 months ago

INSURED Five hotels, under a single ownership. The company employs more than 2,000 with premiums in excess of $1.8 million. SITUATION The company’s Experience Modification Factor and premiums had climbed steadily and ownership was unaware as to why they were...

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Loss control program melts Workers’ Compensation costs

9 years, 7 months ago

INSURED This ice cream manufacturing and dairy operation have 16 full-time employees with revenues of $4,700,870. SITUATION The ice cream manufacturer was saddled with an Experience Mod of 1.698, more than three times the 0.65 minimum mod. Five job-related injury...

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Claims investigation brings client’s Mod to an all-time low

9 years, 7 months ago

INSURED The insured is a contract hauler that services major building supply companies and contractor equipment dealers in 11 states. Annual gross revenues are in excess of $6,000,000. SITUATION The company’s Workers’ Compensation premium was $140,000 and the Experience Mod...

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Real estate client saves $176,000 and lowers Experience Mod

9 years, 7 months ago

INSURED A large residential property company with more than 5,800 units encompassing 46 high-rise buildings and over 153 acres. SITUATION The company was using a large insurance agency/broker that was lax in managing the company’s claims, resulting in a high...

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CWCAs find reserve error and help bank control Mod

9 years, 7 months ago

INSURED The insured is a large community bank with 30 branches, 400 employees, and assets in excess of $850 million. SITUATION A 12-year client, the bank had a comprehensive Workers’ Comp program and an excellent claims history, with an Experience...

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Grocery Store Chain saves $100k, keeps Mod down

9 years, 7 months ago

INSURED An independent grocery store that employees 500 people with annual revenues of $20 million. SITUATION The employer had a large open claim reserve of $140,000 as a result of a back injury to an employee. There was also a...

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CWCAs help Excavating Company dig up answers to reasons for high open reserves

9 years, 7 months ago

INSURED The insured is a large trucking and excavating company with a fleet of 50 trucks, 90 employees and $10 million in annual revenues. SITUATION The company had large open claims that negatively impacted its Experience Mod. The current agent...

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Better HR helps manufacturer lower Mod

9 years, 7 months ago

INSURED An ice cream manufacturer with 12 employees and revenues of $2.8 million. SITUATION The company had an Experience Mod of 1.9, which was more than three times what it should be. ASSESSMENT A team of CWCAs reviewed the business....

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Premium increase not set in stone as MOD adjustment returns $150,000 to concrete manufacturer

9 years, 7 months ago

INSURED This free-cast prestressed concrete manufacturer and contractor has annual revenues of nearly $15 million and employs 60 people. SITUATION The company, which traditionally had an Experience Modification Factor in the .89 to .90 range, saw a rise to 1.2....

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School System Learns a Lesson in How to Reduce its MOD

9 years, 7 months ago

INSURED A public school system with 150 employees. SITUATION The school system’s Experience Modification Factor escalated over the past five years, from as low as 0.97 to a high of 1.34, though it had experienced no significant workplace injuries during...

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Review of Experience Modification Factor saves insured over $25,000

9 years, 7 months ago

INSURED A company, with 15 employees, reports $2 million in sales and is one of several businesses owned by various members of the same family. SITUATION The employer's Experience Modification jumped, for no obvious reason, from 0.99 to 1.27. The...

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Returned premium and lower Mod for social service agency

9 years, 7 months ago

INSURED The insured is a regional social services agency providing day habilitation, vocational, residential, and evaluation services to approximately disadvantaged adults. With a payroll of $9,000,000 for 315 employees, they operate eight day-habilitation facilities and 16 residential programs in which...

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Correction of transposition error leads to seven point drop in Mod

9 years, 7 months ago

INSURED This 22-year-old company reported sales in 2004 of $6.1 million and a payroll of $1,156,808. The company designs, sells and leases trailers, modular buildings and storage containers for mobile offices at construction sites, concession stands, sales offices for developers,...

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Employee injury notification program cuts Mod, saves $135K

9 years, 7 months ago

INSURED This plastics manufacturer has 78 full-time employees and reports revenues of $22 million. The company manufactures plastic bags for industrial, commercial and residential use. SITUATION With an Experience Mod already at 1.35, more than twice the 0.65 minimum level,...

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